Sunday, June 14, 2020

My Testimony During the Pandemic

Posted on Facebook 6/14/20
My friend gave me permission to share this.

This is a very personal and lengthy post. It is religious and probably controversial for those who belong to the same church I do and for those that don't.

Please don't read it if you don't want to. Keep scrolling. There are much more interesting reads out there.

I would like to discourage people from commenting here. Private message would be preferred. This is for me personally and a few who might appreciate it or need to hear it.

To all in my list of friends on Facebook. I know we all have different beliefs, different views, different lifestyles and I can honestly say that I love you all.

Please respect my requests to private message me instead of commenting.

Thank you!

My Testimony During the Pandemic

Wow, where do I begin?
I have a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I thought I had a testimony of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I have many questions. There are things that I don’t understand. There are things that I don’t agree with. But, I have a testimony of my Savior, of Heavenly Father and Mother. I love that this Church brought those things to my knowledge.

In the October conference we were asked to prepare for the April 2020 conference by studying the restoration of the gospel. During the April 2020 conference we would be commemorating the 200th anniversary of the First Vision. Joseph Smith’s First Vision. My husband and I set out to do so. We read the First Vision, Joseph Smith history, the first few pages in the Book of Mormon with the witnesses and the title pages. And, we stumbled across the book Saints in the Gospel Library. My husband, Jim, heard about the book during a Sunday school lesson.

As we read we were learning and discussing and understanding. It was about Joseph Smith and his early years and the First Vision and the trials that came after. We had so much understanding and sympathy for what the Smith family was going through. As we read more about the organization of the church and the dedication of the saints, we again (I’m going to switch back and forth between “I” and “we”), I had understanding and sympathy. I felt my testimony growing. The saints were so faithful and time and time again got up and did what was right, what was hard, what was most important for their salvation.

Then I came to some more difficult areas of the Church’s history. Polygamy, Native Americans, massacres, Blacks, to name a few. I feel like most people had the right feelings and desires in their hearts, but not everyone and not even everyone in leadership positions had the right heart. Some mistakes were made. People were discriminated against. People were killed. Hearts were broken. Things were done in secret. This was a lot to swallow for me. It made me think of leaders today, local and general, and things I don’t like about some aspects of the Church today. I started to question and doubt. But, I prayed. I went into this journey with a purpose to learn. I prayed to understand. I prayed to retain my testimony. Jim and I planned to attend to the temple more often and more regularly. We had awesome discussions as we commuted to work together each day.

Then, Covid19 hit and the world was shut down. No more attending church, no more attending the temple, no more deep discussions in the time that was so easily set aside during our commute. Now we were home to fend for ourselves.

We love working from home. We love being together. We love sleeping in longer. My scripture study began to suffer. Our discussions weren’t happening. Jim was still reading Saints and sharing with me more and more of what he learned about polygamy and each time I thought this is it. This is the thing we learn that makes us think, no more. We will not go to church anymore. This is too much. These things are too hard to understand. It can’t be true. But we kept praying. I kept praying. I want to understand. I want to learn.

I had to work harder to make time to care for my body physically and spiritually. This new routine was so different and didn’t feel as much like a routine. I had to work to create a routine. So, I set out to do so. I didn’t want to lose too much of what we got from our commute time (even though I hated the extra hours it added to our work day). I found time to water our yard more, and spend more time with the dogs and spend more time sewing masks and doing my hobbies, but it took some time and effort to make time for God. I finally started getting up a little earlier and exercising, then even a little earlier so that I could read scriptures first. This was not easy, but I did it. I am doing it. I am so glad I am.

Not attending church seems to go on and on. We realize what a blessing it is that the Home Centered, Church Supported curriculum and model came out when it did so we would all have time to get used to teaching ourselves and our families on our own in our homes. Because, now we have to. Isn’t that amazing? How perfect this is and how divine the callings of our leaders are. We love this home church for other reasons too. No happy face to put on when we don’t want to. No pretending that I understand it all and agree with it all. I don’t have to socialize with people I don’t want to see. I don’t have to watch others serve in callings that I think I could do better at, I would do things differently, I don’t agree with that. I like having church in my PJs. I like watching Book of Mormon Central. I have had a more spiritual experiences with their lessons than I do at church. I feel more comfortable having deep discussions with Jim and feeling free to be totally honest. I start to realize that I don’t want to go back to church.

So, we are learning. We are doing pretty good on Sundays. We are praying and reading scriptures and Saints. Our testimonies are growing in some ways and in others waning. We start to wonder how many people are considering not going back to church when this is all over, we can't be the only ones feeling like this. We start to wonder if we will be one of those that doesn’t go back. Why do we have to go back? We can just do our own thing. We have testimonies. We’ll be fine.

Then so much more erupts in our society. Racial divide, political divide, economical divide, power and authority divide. I am very political. I think I know everything and my thoughts come from a place of common sense and a desire to do what is right. But what if I am wrong? What if I need to unlearn some things and see things from a different perspective. So, I start to reach out to others. I ask some hard questions. I read different points of view from the very diverse group of friends I have on Social Media. I see how each thing I read starts to sway my thinking and I can feel me wanting to regroup and possibly change. But, am I wrong? I love everyone. I don’t judge. At least not the kind of judgement that is reserved for God. I am reading my scriptures and following the Come Follow Me lessons. I see such similarities in the stories of Alma and in our day. How so much can be taken out of context and twisted. How educated people can seem so right, but without God’s wisdom are really not. I realize through prayer and thought and discussions with Jim that I need to be careful. I believe the things I believe, because they make sense and because I have the gift of the Holy Ghost that helps me discern truth.

One day after Jim and I prayed sincerely to understand polygamy I received an answer. The answer came in the form of me day dreaming. I dreamt that I was bearing my testimony that I know the gospel of Jesus Christ is true, but the church and the people are not. The people make mistakes which in turn makes it appear the church makes mistakes. I imagined that I then asked myself if I am going to not go to church anymore, but I am going to retain my testimony and I want to keep the commandments, who am I going to pay tithing to? I could continue paying tithing to the church. I could choose a worthy charity. But, I know the church spends the money correctly and I feel this money goes to God. No other charity fits that bill the way the church does. So, I will pay it to the church. I also asked myself where would I renew my covenants. This one hit me hard. I have a testimony. I have a testimony of the priesthood. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has the prophet and apostles that hold all the keys to the Priesthood that I have a testimony of. There is no where else that I could partake of the sacrament with the authority from Christ. My answer was that I am not going to understand polygamy the way I want to. I am not going to know for sure who made mistakes and what all those mistakes were. But, the gospel of Jesus Christ is true and I will turn to it for answers to my questions and comfort when I just don’t get it.

I read in a post on social media that what people want is for others to learn and if they learn something that needs to change about themselves that they do so. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and all the people charged with organizing it in its infancy had to learn and grow. The Church has corrected mistakes. The Church has learned and grown and continues to do so, because we have modern day revelation. The Church is the example of what people want and what people need and how they should be.

One of the most important things that I am learning during this order to stay home is that I am so thankful that the church has taught me to seek a personal relationship with my Savior and my Heavenly Father and has taught me that I have a Heavenly Mother. My relationship with the church is personal as well. I will return to church when we reopen, because I have a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the church has the fullness of this gospel. One of the lessons in Alma was when many groups of people were coming back to gather at Zarahemla. These groups were very different. Some believed in the Savior, some did not. Some were filled with terrible sin, some were struggling to do what is right. But, they all came together with the saints in Zarahemla to unite as one. This made me think of when the world comes together in the end as one. We will all come from different backgrounds, different teachings, different traditions handed down from past generations. I think most people of the world want to be good and kind and when we get to the end and all come together we will all be surprised at the changes we will have to make to be one. Yes, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints houses the Priesthood and ordinances we all need. But, God loves all of His children and we will all have to come together.

One thing my younger (not blood related) sister shared today as she went back to Sacrament meeting today for the first time since the shut down is that she had fear about returning as well. When she walked into the chapel not being able to socialize like we used to she realized that socialization had begun to overshadow why we are really there and that is to renew our covenants through partaking of the sacrament and worship God and our Savior. The ordinances are what is important. One thing I learned in one of the lessons on Book of Mormon Central was that sustaining our leaders doesn’t mean that I understand all of the things they do or agree with how they each carry out their callings, but that I will have their back. I support them in their journey to learn about their calling and carry it out to the best of their ability. I would want that from others. I will give that more whole heartedly now when I sustain people in their callings local and general.

This shut down has been hard and it has been enjoyable. I have had to learn and grow and I am thankful for my testimony. I know that my Savior loves me and has atoned for my sins and has overcome death for me. The most important thing I can do is try to love as He did.

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