Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Famine and Pestilence

Conference Report, Ezra Taft Benson, October 1973

For the righteous the gospel provides a warning before a calamity, a program for the crises, a refuge for each disaster. The Lord has said that “the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven…” (Malachi 4:1), but he assures us that “he that is tithed shall not be burned. (D&C 64:23.) The Lord has warned us of famines, but the righteous will have listened to prophets and stored at least a year’s supply of survival food.

Conference Report, Ezra Taft Benson, October 1980

Too often we bask in our comfortable complacency and rationalize that the ravages of war, economic disaster, famine, and earthquake cannot happen here. Those who believe this are either not acquainted with the revelations of the Lord, or they do not believe them. Those who smugly think these calamities will not happen, that they somehow will be set aside because of the righteousness of the Saints, are deceived and will rue the day they harbored such a delusion.

Conference Report, Marion G. Romney, April 1975

I do not want to be a calamity howler. I don’t know in detail what’s going to happen in the future. I know what the prophets have predicted. But I tell you that the welfare program, organized to enable us to take care of our own needs, has not yet performed the function that it was set up to perform. We will see the day when we will live on what we produce.

Conference Report, Spencer W. Kimball, April 1974

The little gardens and the few trees are very valuable. I remember when the sisters used to say, “Well, but we could buy it at the store a lot cheaper than we can put it up.” But that isn’t quite the answer, is it, Sister Spafford? Because there will come a time when there isn’t a store.

History of the Church, Joseph Smith 1:315

And now I am prepared to say by the authority of Jesus Christ, that not many years shall pass away before the United States shall present such a scene of bloodshed as has not a parallel in the history of our nation; pestilence, hail, famine, and earthquake will sweep the wicked of this generation from off the face of the land, to open and prepare the way for the return of the lost tribes of Israel from the north country.

History of the Church, Joseph Smith 3:390

I prophesy, that that man who tarries after he has an opportunity of going, will be afflicted by the devil. Wars are at hand; we must not delay; but are not required to sacrifice. We ought to have the building up of Zion as our greatest object. When wars come, we shall have to flee to Zion. The cry is to make haste. The last revelation says, Ye shall not have time to have gone over the earth, until these things come. It will come as did the cholera, war, fires, and earthquakes; one pestilence after another, until the Ancient of Days comes, then judgment will be given to the Saints.

Journal of Discourses, Brigham Young 8:30

Do you think there is calamity abroad now among the people? Not much. All we have yet heard and all we have experienced is scarcely a preface to the sermon that is going to be preached. When the testimony of the Elders ceases to be given, and the Lord says to them, “Come home; I will now preach my own sermons to the nations of the earth,” all you now know can scarcely be called a preface to the sermon that will be preached with fire and sword, tempests, earthquakes, hail, rain, thunders and lightnings, and fearful destruction. What matters the destruction of a few railway cars? You will hear of magnificent cities, now idolized by the people, sinking in the earth, entombing the inhabitants. The sea will heave itself beyond its bounds, engulfing mighty cities. Famine will spread over the nations, and nation will rise up against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and states against states, in our own country and in foreign lands; and they will destroy each other, caring not for the blood and lives of their neighbors, of their families, or for their own lives.

Journal of Discourses, Heber C. Kimball 3:36

My feelings are, if God blesses and sustains me, to build a good storehouse for my grain this season, I am going to lay up everything I can raise. I say this for the benefit of brother Hunter, and all the Bishops in the House of Israel. Follow the example if you think it is a good one, and lay up stores of grain, against the time of need, for you will see the time when there will not be a kernel raised and when thousands and millions will come to this people for bread. You cannot believe it, can you? You may say, “If one of the old Prophets could rise from the dead and declare it, we would then believe it, but, brother Heber, it is hard to believe it from you.

Journal of Discourses, Heber C. Kimball 4:62

Will you be slack, brethren, and let the evil come upon us, when we forewarn you of the future events that are coming? Now, supposing that I had not the spirit of prophecy upon me, then I had better sit down. If a man gets up here and lets the Spirit of God dictate him, he cannot help prophesying, for the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of prophecy, and he will foretell future events, and you cannot help it. We are telling of what the prophets have said–of what the Lord has said to Joseph. Wake up, now, wake up, O Israel, and lay up your grain and your stores. I tell you that there is trouble coming upon the world.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

We Must Awake

• Ether 8:24. The modern Prophet Benson and the ancient Prophet Moroni speak to us in unison: "Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you." (See God, Family, Country, pp. 322 & 349; italics added.)

• The Prophet has said: If you use the scriptures as a guide, you know what the Book of Mormon has to say regarding murderous conspiracies in the last day and how we are to awake to our awful situation today (see Ether 8:18-25). I find certain elements in the Church do not like to read the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants so much—they have too much to say about freedom." (The Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson, p. 81; see also p. 42.)

The Prophet continues: The Book of Mormon warns us that when we see these murderous conspiracies in our midst, we should awaken to our awful situation (see Ether 8:24). Now, why should we awaken if the Lord is going to take care of us anyway? Let us suppose that it is too late to save freedom. It is still accounted unto us for righteousness' sake to stand up and fight. Some Book of Mormon prophets knew of the final desolate end of their nations, but they still fought on, and they saved some souls, including their own, by so doing. For, after all, the purpose of life is to prove ourselves, and the final victory will be for freedom." (Ibid., p. 660.)

• President Benson has warned: "Our complacency as a nation is shocking—yes, almost unbelievable! We are a prosperous nation. Our people have high-paying jobs. Our incomes are high. Our standard of living is at an unprecedented level. We do not like to be disturbed as we enjoy our comfortable complacency. We live in the soft present and feel the future is secure. We do not worry about history. We seem oblivious to the causes of the rise and fall of nations. We are blind to the hard fact that nations usually sow the seeds of their own destruction while enjoying unprecedented prosperity.

"I say to you with all the fervor of my soul: We are sowing the seeds of our own destruction in America and much of the free world today. It is my sober warning to you today that if the trends of the past continue, we will lose that which is as priceless as life itself—our freedom, our liberty, our right to act as free men. It can happen here. It is happening here. . . .

"The sad and shocking story of what has happened in America in recent years must be told. Our people must have the facts. There is safety in an informed public. There is real danger in a complacent, uninformed citizenry. This is our real danger today. Yes, the truth must be told even at the risk of destroying, in large measure, the influence of men who are widely respected and loved by the American people. The stakes are high. Freedom and survival is the issue." (Ibid., p. 582.)

"The fight for freedom is God's fight. . . . When a man stands for freedom he stands with God. And as long as he stands for freedom he stands with God. And were he to stand alone he would still stand with God—the best company and the greatest power in or out of this world. Any man will be eternally vindicated and rewarded for his stand for freedom." (Ibid., p. 656.)

Sunday, June 14, 2020

My Testimony During the Pandemic

Posted on Facebook 6/14/20
My friend gave me permission to share this.

This is a very personal and lengthy post. It is religious and probably controversial for those who belong to the same church I do and for those that don't.

Please don't read it if you don't want to. Keep scrolling. There are much more interesting reads out there.

I would like to discourage people from commenting here. Private message would be preferred. This is for me personally and a few who might appreciate it or need to hear it.

To all in my list of friends on Facebook. I know we all have different beliefs, different views, different lifestyles and I can honestly say that I love you all.

Please respect my requests to private message me instead of commenting.

Thank you!

My Testimony During the Pandemic

Wow, where do I begin?
I have a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I thought I had a testimony of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I have many questions. There are things that I don’t understand. There are things that I don’t agree with. But, I have a testimony of my Savior, of Heavenly Father and Mother. I love that this Church brought those things to my knowledge.

In the October conference we were asked to prepare for the April 2020 conference by studying the restoration of the gospel. During the April 2020 conference we would be commemorating the 200th anniversary of the First Vision. Joseph Smith’s First Vision. My husband and I set out to do so. We read the First Vision, Joseph Smith history, the first few pages in the Book of Mormon with the witnesses and the title pages. And, we stumbled across the book Saints in the Gospel Library. My husband, Jim, heard about the book during a Sunday school lesson.

As we read we were learning and discussing and understanding. It was about Joseph Smith and his early years and the First Vision and the trials that came after. We had so much understanding and sympathy for what the Smith family was going through. As we read more about the organization of the church and the dedication of the saints, we again (I’m going to switch back and forth between “I” and “we”), I had understanding and sympathy. I felt my testimony growing. The saints were so faithful and time and time again got up and did what was right, what was hard, what was most important for their salvation.

Then I came to some more difficult areas of the Church’s history. Polygamy, Native Americans, massacres, Blacks, to name a few. I feel like most people had the right feelings and desires in their hearts, but not everyone and not even everyone in leadership positions had the right heart. Some mistakes were made. People were discriminated against. People were killed. Hearts were broken. Things were done in secret. This was a lot to swallow for me. It made me think of leaders today, local and general, and things I don’t like about some aspects of the Church today. I started to question and doubt. But, I prayed. I went into this journey with a purpose to learn. I prayed to understand. I prayed to retain my testimony. Jim and I planned to attend to the temple more often and more regularly. We had awesome discussions as we commuted to work together each day.

Then, Covid19 hit and the world was shut down. No more attending church, no more attending the temple, no more deep discussions in the time that was so easily set aside during our commute. Now we were home to fend for ourselves.

We love working from home. We love being together. We love sleeping in longer. My scripture study began to suffer. Our discussions weren’t happening. Jim was still reading Saints and sharing with me more and more of what he learned about polygamy and each time I thought this is it. This is the thing we learn that makes us think, no more. We will not go to church anymore. This is too much. These things are too hard to understand. It can’t be true. But we kept praying. I kept praying. I want to understand. I want to learn.

I had to work harder to make time to care for my body physically and spiritually. This new routine was so different and didn’t feel as much like a routine. I had to work to create a routine. So, I set out to do so. I didn’t want to lose too much of what we got from our commute time (even though I hated the extra hours it added to our work day). I found time to water our yard more, and spend more time with the dogs and spend more time sewing masks and doing my hobbies, but it took some time and effort to make time for God. I finally started getting up a little earlier and exercising, then even a little earlier so that I could read scriptures first. This was not easy, but I did it. I am doing it. I am so glad I am.

Not attending church seems to go on and on. We realize what a blessing it is that the Home Centered, Church Supported curriculum and model came out when it did so we would all have time to get used to teaching ourselves and our families on our own in our homes. Because, now we have to. Isn’t that amazing? How perfect this is and how divine the callings of our leaders are. We love this home church for other reasons too. No happy face to put on when we don’t want to. No pretending that I understand it all and agree with it all. I don’t have to socialize with people I don’t want to see. I don’t have to watch others serve in callings that I think I could do better at, I would do things differently, I don’t agree with that. I like having church in my PJs. I like watching Book of Mormon Central. I have had a more spiritual experiences with their lessons than I do at church. I feel more comfortable having deep discussions with Jim and feeling free to be totally honest. I start to realize that I don’t want to go back to church.

So, we are learning. We are doing pretty good on Sundays. We are praying and reading scriptures and Saints. Our testimonies are growing in some ways and in others waning. We start to wonder how many people are considering not going back to church when this is all over, we can't be the only ones feeling like this. We start to wonder if we will be one of those that doesn’t go back. Why do we have to go back? We can just do our own thing. We have testimonies. We’ll be fine.

Then so much more erupts in our society. Racial divide, political divide, economical divide, power and authority divide. I am very political. I think I know everything and my thoughts come from a place of common sense and a desire to do what is right. But what if I am wrong? What if I need to unlearn some things and see things from a different perspective. So, I start to reach out to others. I ask some hard questions. I read different points of view from the very diverse group of friends I have on Social Media. I see how each thing I read starts to sway my thinking and I can feel me wanting to regroup and possibly change. But, am I wrong? I love everyone. I don’t judge. At least not the kind of judgement that is reserved for God. I am reading my scriptures and following the Come Follow Me lessons. I see such similarities in the stories of Alma and in our day. How so much can be taken out of context and twisted. How educated people can seem so right, but without God’s wisdom are really not. I realize through prayer and thought and discussions with Jim that I need to be careful. I believe the things I believe, because they make sense and because I have the gift of the Holy Ghost that helps me discern truth.

One day after Jim and I prayed sincerely to understand polygamy I received an answer. The answer came in the form of me day dreaming. I dreamt that I was bearing my testimony that I know the gospel of Jesus Christ is true, but the church and the people are not. The people make mistakes which in turn makes it appear the church makes mistakes. I imagined that I then asked myself if I am going to not go to church anymore, but I am going to retain my testimony and I want to keep the commandments, who am I going to pay tithing to? I could continue paying tithing to the church. I could choose a worthy charity. But, I know the church spends the money correctly and I feel this money goes to God. No other charity fits that bill the way the church does. So, I will pay it to the church. I also asked myself where would I renew my covenants. This one hit me hard. I have a testimony. I have a testimony of the priesthood. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has the prophet and apostles that hold all the keys to the Priesthood that I have a testimony of. There is no where else that I could partake of the sacrament with the authority from Christ. My answer was that I am not going to understand polygamy the way I want to. I am not going to know for sure who made mistakes and what all those mistakes were. But, the gospel of Jesus Christ is true and I will turn to it for answers to my questions and comfort when I just don’t get it.

I read in a post on social media that what people want is for others to learn and if they learn something that needs to change about themselves that they do so. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and all the people charged with organizing it in its infancy had to learn and grow. The Church has corrected mistakes. The Church has learned and grown and continues to do so, because we have modern day revelation. The Church is the example of what people want and what people need and how they should be.

One of the most important things that I am learning during this order to stay home is that I am so thankful that the church has taught me to seek a personal relationship with my Savior and my Heavenly Father and has taught me that I have a Heavenly Mother. My relationship with the church is personal as well. I will return to church when we reopen, because I have a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the church has the fullness of this gospel. One of the lessons in Alma was when many groups of people were coming back to gather at Zarahemla. These groups were very different. Some believed in the Savior, some did not. Some were filled with terrible sin, some were struggling to do what is right. But, they all came together with the saints in Zarahemla to unite as one. This made me think of when the world comes together in the end as one. We will all come from different backgrounds, different teachings, different traditions handed down from past generations. I think most people of the world want to be good and kind and when we get to the end and all come together we will all be surprised at the changes we will have to make to be one. Yes, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints houses the Priesthood and ordinances we all need. But, God loves all of His children and we will all have to come together.

One thing my younger (not blood related) sister shared today as she went back to Sacrament meeting today for the first time since the shut down is that she had fear about returning as well. When she walked into the chapel not being able to socialize like we used to she realized that socialization had begun to overshadow why we are really there and that is to renew our covenants through partaking of the sacrament and worship God and our Savior. The ordinances are what is important. One thing I learned in one of the lessons on Book of Mormon Central was that sustaining our leaders doesn’t mean that I understand all of the things they do or agree with how they each carry out their callings, but that I will have their back. I support them in their journey to learn about their calling and carry it out to the best of their ability. I would want that from others. I will give that more whole heartedly now when I sustain people in their callings local and general.

This shut down has been hard and it has been enjoyable. I have had to learn and grow and I am thankful for my testimony. I know that my Savior loves me and has atoned for my sins and has overcome death for me. The most important thing I can do is try to love as He did.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


by Byron Searle

Matthew 21:21-22

Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be cast into the sea; it shall be done.

And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.
After spending time in prayer this evening, the Lord began speaking to me first with the following questions:

He first asked me, What does the pilot of the plane shout out when they are about to crash? What? I asked. He replied, BRACE FOR IMPACT!

He then asked me, What does the captain of the ship shout out when the ship is on a collision course? What? I asked. He replied, BRACE FOR IMPACT!

Again, He asked me, What does the spotter shout to the race car driver when he's about to collide with a crash on the track? What? I asked. Again, He replied, BRACE FOR IMPACT!

I replied, Yes. He repeated, BRACE FOR IMPACT! I then asked the Lord if that is the title of this word, and He replied, Yes, and spoke the following to me.

My son, just as the one who controls the vehicle sees that a collision is about to occur, he SHOUTS OUT to the people on board -- BRACE FOR IMPACT!!!
I, TOO, AM THE CAPTAIN, AND I SHOUT OUT TO MY CHILDREN -- BRACE FOR IMPACTS!!! (Plural) I say -- IMPACTS -- because there will be many. Some are starting to hit now.

One IMPACT WILL BE THE RIOTS AND CIVIL WAR that will sweep across this nation and the world. As love is squashed, hatred will abound, and this world will grow colder.

Another IMPACT WILL BE ON THE SOCIETIES OF THE WORLD AS THEY EMBRACE THE SODOMITES AS NORMAL. Even when My chosen people worshiped other gods over Me, I did not destroy them utterly. I DID DESTROY the Cities of the Plain for their wickedness and sodomitic desires. I WILL DESTROY those nations whose laws embrace the sodomites.





I say, REPENT NOW, for soon you will be BRACING FOR IMPACT and not be able to repent. During this TIME OF DARKNESS, FEAR WILL RUN RAMPANT, and those who do NOT walk by faith will NOT be able to stand!

Another IMPACT IS THE WORLD ECONOMY. Most people, including My children, think that everything is all good. I say, BRACE FOR IMPACT!!! The ECONOMIC SHIP HAS HIT THE ROCK AND IS SINKING FAST!

My children ask, What can we do?? How will we survive??
I say, WALK BY FAITH, lean not on your own understanding, and follow Me. My children now walk by SIGHT -- NOT BY FAITH -- but soon THIS IMPACT will affect the whole world!



The word given to me by the Lord Jesus Christ

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Deception and the Mysteries of God

“The Lord does communicate some things of importance to the children of men by men by means of visions and dreams as well as by the records of divine truth. And what is it all for? It is to teach us a principle. We may never see anything take place as we see it in a dream or a vision, yet it is intended to teach us a principle.” (Wilford Woodruff, Journal of Discourses p. 286)

“There are among us many loose writings predicting the calamities which are about to overtake us. Some of these have been publicized as though they were necessary to wake up the world to the horrors about to overtake us. Many of these are from sources upon which there cannot be unquestioned reliance.“… We need no such publications to be forewarned, if we were only conversant with what the scriptures have already spoken to us in plainness.” (Harold B. Lee, In Conference Report, Oct. 1972, 128; or Ensign, Jan. 1973, p. 106.)

“Brothers and Sisters, keep the doctrine of Christ pure and never be deceived by those who tamper with the doctrine.” (Elder Ballard, The Trek Continues, General Conference, Nov. 2017)

“When a man goes about prophesying, and commands men to obey his teachings, he must either be a true or a false prophet. False prophets arise always to oppose the true prophets, and they will prophesy so very near the truth that they will deceive almost the very chose ones.” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith p. 365)

“This incredible blindness which led to the rejection of those truths spoken by prophets and which prevented the recognition of Jesus for who he was, according to Jacob came, “by looking beyond the mark’, Those who look beyond plainness, beyond the prophets, beyond Christ and beyond his simple teachings, waited in vain then, as they will wait in vain now. For only the gospel of Jesus Christ teaches us things as they really are and as they really will be.” (Elder Neil A. Maxwell, On Being a Light address delivered at the Institute of Religion Jan 2, 1974)

“I have learned that strong, Impressive spiritual experiences do not come to us very frequently, and when they do, they generally are for our own edification, instruction, or correction. Unless we are called by proper authority to do so, they do not position us to counsel or to correct others.”

“Be ever on guard lest you be deceived by inspiration from an unworthy source. You can be given false spiritual messages. There are counterfeit spirits just as there are counterfeit angels. (See Moroni 7:17) Be careful lest you be deceived, for the devil may come disguised as an angel of light.” The spiriual part of us and the emotional part of us are so closely linked that it is possible to mistake an emotional impulse for something spiritual. We occasionally find people who receive what they assume to be spiritual promptings from God, when those promptings are either centered in the emotions or are from the adversary.” (Boyd K Packer, The Candle of the Lord, Ensign 1983 51-56, From a talk given at a seminar for new mission presidents, 25 June 1982)

“The Lord has promised to reveal his mysteries to those who serve him in faithfulness. The gospel is very simple so that even children at the age of accountability may understand it. Without question there are principles which in this life we cannot understand, but when the fullness comes we will see that all is plain and reasonable and within our comprehension. The simple principles of the gospel such as baptism, the atonement, are mysteries to those who do not have the guidance of the spirit of the Lord.” (Joseph Fielding Smith, Book of Mormon Student Manual Religion 121-122)

“There is also a restricted and limited usage of the expression mysteries; it is more of a colloquial than a scriptural usage, and it has reference to that body of teachings in the speculative field, those things which the Lord revealed in plainness in this day. It is to these things that reference is made when the elders are counseled to leave the mysteries alone.” (Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon doctrine 2nd edition 1966 524.)

“Satan has shown himself to be an accomplished strategist and skillful imitator; the most deplorable of his victories are due to his simulation of good, whereby the undiscerning have been led captive. Let no one be deluded with the thought that any act, the immediate result of which appears to be benign, is necessarily productive of permanent good. It may serve the dark purposes of Satan to play upon the human sense of goodness, even to the extent of healing the body and apparently of thwarting death.” (Elder James E. Talmage, p. Articles of Faith:211)

“Nothing is a greater injury to the children of men than to be under the influence of a false spirit when they think they have the spirit of God.” (Joseph Smith, Times and Seasons, 1 April 1842, p. 744)

Come Follow Me Lesson - Acts 16:16-18 Institute Manual - Paul Rebuked the Evil Spirit in the Damsel

While still in Phillippi, Paul and his companions encountered a damsel with “a spirit of divination”. Divination is the act of foretelling, or pretending to foretell, the future by using occult practices. Divination, which is also called soothsaying, was and is forbidden to the Lord’s people.

The evil spirit in the damsel bore witness of the divine mission of Paul and his companions, but they rebuked the evil spirit and cast it out of the young woman. The scriptures also record instances when evil spirits bore witness of the divinity of the Savior and His disciples but were rebuked.

Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained why the Lord and His servants reject the testimony of evil spirits: ”The testimony of the devil-led damsel was true. Paul and Silas were prophets; they had the words and power of salvation. But true testimony from Satan’s servants does not lead to salvation. In effect the damsel was saying ‘go ahead and believe in Paul and Silas and this Jesus whom they preach. I agree they and their Master are of God; and since we are now united on that point ( I, Jamie, personally believe this is where things get tricky). You can also continue to follow me and enjoy the fruits of my divination.’ And how many other practitioners of false religions there are who give lip service to Jesus and his doctrines so that people will the more readily follow them and their special brand of ‘saving’ grace. It was for the very reason here involved that Jesus himself forbade the devils whom he cast out to testify that he was the Son of God (Luke 4:41). 

“Teaching prematurely or at the wrong time some things that are true can invite sorrow and heartbreak instead of joy intended to accompany learning… The Scriptures teach emphatically that we must give milk before meat. The Lord made it very clear that some things are to be given only to those who are worthy. It matters very much not only what we are told but when we are told it.” (Boyd K Packer, The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect, Brigham Young University, 22 August 1981)

"There is indeed a system of gospel prerequisites. Milk must come before the meat. As we grow in holiness, it is vital that we grow steadily and surely, feeding regularly and consistently upon the fundamental and foundational doctrines of salvation. Too often members of the church, supposing that they are deeper and stronger than they really are, make an effort to feast upon heavy meat---doctrinal matters that are clearly beyond the purview of what is taught by the Brethren today---well before they are ready to do so. A friend serving as a bishop indicated that after a member of his ward a good man but one who had wrestled for years with the Word of Wisdom had attended a series of discussions on unusually deep doctrines, he had said, “Bishop, I’m convinced that if I can simply make my calling and election sure, I can then get the strength to stop smoking.” What is wrong with this picture? In Mosiah 4 it reads, “see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order.”(Robert L. Millet's: More Holiness Give Me, Jan. 28, 2004)

“Some who are not authorized want to speak for the Brethren and imply that their message contains the meat’ the Brethren would teach if they were not constrained to teach only the milk.’ Others want to counsel the Brethren and are critical of all teachings that do not comply with their version of what should be taught…..another sign of spiritual immaturity and sometimes apostasy is when one focuses on certain gospel principles or pursues gospel hobbies with excess zeal. Almost any virtue taken to excess can become a vice." (Elder Quentin L. Cook, Looking Beyond the Mark, Liahona March 2003)

“You may not be aware of it, but there are false prophets rising within and without the Church. They believe they have had revelations, that they know something the First Presidency and the Twelve Apostles don’t know. You need to be very careful of such people. If you are ever approached by anyone who claims special authority or revelation from God outside the sustained priesthood authority, turn and run from them as fast as you can. The Savior said that in the last days even the very elect could be pulled away from the truth by such false prophets.” (M. Russell Ballard, When Shall These Things Be?, Devotional March 12,1996)

"There are some among us now who have not been regularly ordained by the heads of the Church and who tell of impending political and economic chaos, the end of the world---something of the ‘sky is falling, chicken licken’ of the fables. They are misleading members…….” (Elder Boyd K. Packer, To Be Learned Is Good If..., General Conference, October 1992)

“We must gain learning, but we must apply it wisely. The spiritual power line conveys revelation. Revelation is given to the President for the Church, and to leaders and teachers in their respective callings. Personal revelation is provided for the glorification of individual members and families in the Church. These lines are well insulated, and they are not scrambled! Our Father is a God of order! No one else receives revelation to govern the church. It is possible to disregard or even misuse spiritual power. Like cutting the cord with clippers, it is possible to use spiritual power so carelessly as to destroy one’s very connection to that power. Worship strengthens our power line to deity. There can be no true worship without sacrifice, and there can be no true sacrifice without a cause. The cause that earns our love and priority is the cause of Jesus Christ. As we carefully and prayerfully protect the spiritual power line that link us to the Savior, we become more like him.” (Russell M. Nelson, Protect the Spiritual Power Line, General Conference, October 1984)

We are constantly being faced with truth and error and need to be on guard because as President Dallin Oaks said, “Satan is the great deceiver and the father of lies, but he will also tell the truth when it suits his purposes.”

President Russell M Nelson said, “Anything that opposes Christ or His doctrine will interrupt our Joy. That includes the philosophies of men, so abundant online and in the blogosphere, which do exactly what Korihor did.” His Wife Sister Nelson stated, “we must focus on the doctrines of Christ and not every wind of doctrine that blows through a blog.”

“But behold, the Jews were a stiffnecked people; and they despised the words of plainness, and killed the prophets, and sought for things that they could not understand. Wherefore, because of their blindness, which blindness came by looking beyond the mark, they must needs fall; for God hath taken away his plainness from them, and delivered unto them many things which they cannot understand, because they desired it. And because they desired it God hath done it, that they may stumble.” (Jacob 4:14)

Friday, July 19, 2019


Many apostates respect / believe in Joseph Smith. Here are a few quotes of his which they should remember in regards to apostasy as well as the future of the church he restored:

“I will give you a key which Brother Joseph Smith used to give in Nauvoo. He said that the very step of apostasy commenced with losing confidence in the leaders of this church and kingdom, and that whenever you discerned that spirit you might know that it would lead the possessor of it on the road to apostasy.” (Heber C. Kimball, Deseret News, Apr. 2, 1856, p. 26)

Here's another:

“I will give you one of the Keys of the mysteries of the Kingdom. It is an eternal principle, that has existed with God from all eternity: That man who rises up to condemn others, finding fault with the Church, saying that they are out of the way, while he himself is righteous, then know assuredly, that that man is in the high road to apostasy; and if he does not repent, will apostatize, as God lives.” (TPJS 156-157)
and this one:

“He then remarked that any man, any elder in this Church and kingdom, who pursued a course whereby he would ignore or, in other words, refuse to obey any known law or commandment or duty—whenever a man did this, neglected any duty God required at his hand in attending meetings, filling missions, or obeying counsel, he laid a foundation to lead him to apostasy and this was the reason those men had fallen. They had misused the priesthood sealed upon their heads. They had neglected to magnify their calling as apostles, as elders. They had used that priesthood to attempt to build themselves up and to perform some other work besides the building up of the kingdom of God.” (Journal of Discourses Vol 21-22 p.190)

And this one: A member of the church (Brother Behunin was his name) marveled at how men, who were once righteous and dedicated priesthood holders, were now fighting against the church and persecuting members...this member told the Prophet that if he left the church, he would simply move somewhere new and never mention that he had been a Mormon:

“The great Seer immediately replied: ‘Brother Behunin, you don’t know what you would do. No doubt these men once thought as you do. Before you joined this Church you stood on neutral ground. When the gospel was preached, good and evil were set before you. You could choose either or neither. There were two opposite masters inviting you to serve them. When you joined this Church you enlisted to serve God. When you did that you left the neutral ground, and you never can get back on to it. Should you forsake the Master you enlisted to serve, it will be by the instigation of the evil one, and you will follow his dictation and be his servant.’” (Daniel Tyler, in “Recollections of the Prophet Joseph Smith,” Juvenile Instructor, Aug. 15, 1892, pp. 491–92)

And here are a couple of quotes of prophesy given by Joseph Smith which I feel are very important prophesies:

Orson Hyde, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve, reported: “Joseph the Prophet … said, ‘Brethren, remember that the majority of this people will never go astray; and as long as you keep with the majority you are sure to enter the celestial kingdom.’” (Orson Hyde, Deseret News: Semi-Weekly, June 21, 1870, p. 3)

William G. Nelson reported: “I have heard the Prophet speak in public on many occasions. In one meeting I heard him say: ‘I will give you a key that will never rust,—if you will stay with the majority of the Twelve Apostles, and the records of the Church, you will never be led astray.’ The history of the Church has proven this to be true.” (William G. Nelson, in “Joseph Smith, the Prophet,” Young Woman’s Journal, Dec. 1906, p. 543)

Ezra T. Clark remembered: “I heard the Prophet Joseph say that he would give the Saints a key whereby they would never be led away or deceived, and that was: The Lord would never suffer a majority of this people to be led away or deceived by imposters, nor would He allow the records of this Church to fall into the hands of the enemy.” (Ezra T. Clark, “The Testimony of Ezra T. Clark,” July 24, 1901, Farmington, Utah; in Heber Don Carlos Clark, Papers, ca. 1901–74)

I'd encourage apostates who preach against the leadership of the church to carefully review these statements uttered by our dispensation's prophet head. It is the same prophet who stated that the church he restored would fill the entire earth and that her missionaries would preach to every nation. This has not been fulfilled yet; there are many nations not yet visited by our missionaries. The church has it's problems, the people have their imperfections, even some leaders falter, but the church as a whole will continue and the prophet will exercise the keys he holds as directed by the Lord. I'd encourage everyone to follow them as Joseph Smith suggests.

Put together by LDS Physician

Friday, May 31, 2019

A Plague Spreading Through Many Families

Email sent to LDSMarco on 5/29/19 

Hi Marcos,

I to am looking for signs of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. I have always had an interest in searching the scriptures to understand the times we are living. I am a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days. 

I have read Julie’s First book of her NDE which I found fascinating to hear of these accounts. I was interested in what she said about this because it testified of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ but as I continued to hear some of her early interviews with Erik, I really didn’t feel the spirit, and soon lost interest. She touched upon energy healing, which I find interesting but do not practice as I have read Vision of Glory and find the reference to still be of a mystery. 

So when your video came out about her. I was surprised to find how far into all this healing energy has been practiced by her. I’m wondering what her sources is to cast out demon, if it’s not from the priesthood line of Authority. Every prophet knows their line of Authority and is sustained by the members of the church.

Here is a portion of how it has affected some people. Have you seen this from her RS President?

"I was the RS president in our ward when a couple were going through some issues over Julie. Julie was telling this man that he had been Moroni in a different estate and that he was to be a very integral part of the tribulations. She and others in her circle tried diligently to make this man "remember" where to find the plates. His wife was not having any of this and Julie told him that this wife was of the dark and would be taken out by God if she didn't get on board. Julie convinced this man to buy 75,000 dollars worth of guns and ammo as he would be the captain of an army to fight incoming troops. Subsequently, he has lost his business and almost his marriage. So when people say no harm has been done, they are wrong."

There are other testimonies of this nature. In light of the recent excommunication of Energy Healer, Julie Rowe, we received a Private Message from someone sharing this personal experience.

The Administrators of this Page support Julie Rowe's Priesthood leaders who made a very difficult yet wise decision to excommunicate Julie so she could no longer use the name of the Church to harm the innocent.

There is safety in staying close to the those who hold Priesthood Keys and not listening to those who have not been called, presented before the church, or set apart.

A victim of Julie Rowe's deception writes:

"Asking what kind of harm Julie Rowe has caused is like saying what kind of harm did Jim Jones, Marshall Applewhite & Bonnie Lu Nettles, and Joseph Di Mambor cause. Their followers had their agency to choose to follow them. It [is] religious freedom.

I'm not here to tear someone down, my purpose in writing this post is to make people aware of the risk associated with following a[n] on-the-fringe self-declared prophet. My wife is a die-hard Julie Rowe follower. Here's a list of the influence Julie Rowe has had on my family:

1) She told my wife that it was okay for us to both quit our jobs and liquidate our retirement because the end was going to happen within 9 months. This was 5 years ago. I didn't agree with my wife on this request, so my wife threatened to divorce me. In an effort to save my marriage I liquidated my 401K a few years ago...right before the strongest stock market surge we've seen in decades. I've r[u]n retirement simulation calculations and figure I've lost (conservatively speaking) a half a million over the life of my retirement fund. Not to mention being forced to move and leave my fantastic job so we could be closer to the tent city. Five years later I've had a couple complicated career pivots, with [a] lower salary and less fulfillment, and have been unemployed twice--which never helps a marriage.

2) Julie Rowe has predicted a couple earthquakes. My wife was so convinced that she texted every close friend and relative that the big one was going to happen. She took all of the pictures off our walls, tied our cupboards closed, put all of the vases and fragile knick-knacks on the floor, put shoes and a flashlight next to each of my children bed and coached them what to do when the big earthquake hits. Can you imagine the anxiety and fear this caused in dozens of people's lives. Who knows the kind of irreversible damage it caused my kids.

3) Julie Rowe told my wife they were sisters in another estate, and that they were murdered together. That's why they are kindred spirits. Julie Rowe also told my wife that she was Joan of Arc, among other famous wom[e]n in her other lives in the past. This has wreaked havoc in my family because my wife believes she was family with Julie Rowe, and so she places her at an equal priority as my kids and I. From these multiple estate talks, my wife has elevated Julie Rowe to Wonder Woman status. She believes she is a warrior goddess. Let's not forget that Julie Rowe removed her infamous podcast where she stated she was married to Eric Smith in a previous estate. How screwed up is this?! Can you imagine if I told my wife that the woman I travel with all over the country was my wife in a previous life? You can hear the sexual tension they experience on every podcast. It's disgusting!

4) Julie Rowe claims to have visions, dreams, and experiences meeting immortal beings. For example, she claimed to meet Cain at the Salt Lake City airport, and that Cain tried to poison her. Despite trying to kill Julie Rowe, Cain had enough gentlemanly manners to wait outside of the women's restroom while Julie Rowe could compose herself. Shortly after this podcast aired, I was with my family at the movie theater. We were sitting near the front of the theater. An average middle-aged man sat in front of us. I went to get popcorn and my wife followed me out and said the man sitting in front of her is pure evil and he is from a different dimension, and he came to torment or even hurt her. She begged me to take my family and sit in the back of the theater. I wasn't about to move all of my kids and all of their stuff in the middle of a movie. So she went sat in the back while I stayed up front with my kids. I watched the immortal being from a different dimension in front of me. He did seem to enjoy sipping his Coke. Perhaps I would feel the same way if I traveled from a different dimension. I'll bet he was thirsty. My wife now has [the] paranoia that everyone is out to torment her. She hears things, sees things, and has dreams and visions, just like her previous estate sister, Julie Rowe. You are probably asking, why would my wife believe any of this is happening to her? It is because she has unwavering trust in Julie Rowe, and when she tells Julie Rowe about all of these experiences, Julie Rowe confirms that they are real and true. When she talks with Julie Rowe, it's like adding fuel to the fire.

5) Julie Rowe has done these energy healing seminars across the country. Well, my wife has been to two of them. My brother died unexpectedly, and the day we all found out and were in mourning, and when we all needed to support each other, my wife decided to leave our family and drive four hours to go to Julie Rowe's energy class, because she didn't want to offend Julie Rowe by missing it (even though she just went two months before). I could hardly function, and my kids were distraught, but mom decided she needed to go get her Julie Rowe fix. I heard about the Julie Rowe seminar. Everyone has to turn their phones in (because dark spirits travel through portals through electronic devices--which is much more convincing than saying we don't want anyone to record the session). At the beginning of the session, everyone in the class raise[s] their right arm to the square and they all repeat a chant. My wife has spent a lot of money on these sessions, and now she wants to become an Energy Healer. She has done energy healing on several friends and family members. She "worked" on my brother's wife once for about an hour. That session was so traumatizing for my brother's wife, she ended up leaving the church. Which has been very difficult on my brother and his little family? My wife also "worked" on my niece, and it took months for my sister and her husband to deprogram the damage caused during that session. I haven't seen anything good come from any of this. It just takes my wife away from our family, and it is quite demanding on me to work 55 hours a week, and then complete most of the housework, yard work, meals, homework, putting kids to bed, so my wife can devote all of her time "healing" the afflicted. The energy work gives her a high for a day or two, but then she crashes and crashes hard. She'll stay in bed for several hours, usually on her phone, listening to podcasts or reading blogs to get that high again. This is extremely addicting. I've never seen anything like it. It's as addicting as heroin.

6) Because Julie Rowe has validated and encouraged my wife and all of her dreams, my wife can't sleep enough, because she believes that is how God communicates to her. She is constantly trying to go to sleep. Some days she sleeps 10-12 hours. I don't think I've ever seen my wife help my kids with their homework. My kids are late to school almost every day because she doesn't want to wake up and take them. I've started taking them to school, which makes me late for work. I'd wake up earlier, but I'm up late helping with homework, doing dishes, doing laundry, cleaning the house.

7) Julie Rowe has told my wife that God called her as a "prophet" with a small "p". Not the capital "P" prophet, but the smaller "p". I don't even know what that means, but she obviously wants to elevate herself to attract as many followers as possible. My wife believes everything that comes out of her mouth to be prophetic--which is dangerous. I have a small fear that my wife will do anything Julie Rowe requests. I've heard of mentally ill mothers harming themselves or their children. If Julie Rowe asked my wife to make the ultimate sacrifice--I can't say for sure that she wouldn't do something drastic. I try not to even think about it, but it truly gives me pause.

8) Julie Rowe encouraged my wife to buy a tent. We ended up spending $2,000 on a canvas tent...this was while I was unemployed. My wife has also spen[t] thousands on food storage and every type of camping equipment. I don't mind being prepared, but now my wife wants to sell our house to use the equity to purchase more supplies and food. I told her I'm not going to sell my house. So now she is threatening me with divorce. She believes if she divorces me, we will split the equity in half, and then she will have plenty of money to pay off her debt and buy more food and supplies. Julie Rowe told her that she cannot enter the tent city if she has any debt. My wife has so much anxiety over her debt that it is crippling. She is working her guts out, and hardly ever spends any time with our kids because she is so consumed with getting out of debt. We have given a lot of money to Julie Rowe's foundation through donations and fees for energy healing, yet Julie Rowe isn't even a licensed practitioner, and she lives in a home on a property that was all donated to her. How is any of this legal? It's sounding more and more like a satanic cult leader, isn't it?

This is just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more I could say. My biggest word of advice for anyone that is curious about Julie Rowe. Julie Rowe is a dangerous cult leader that has developed a counterfeit gospel that is a plague spreading through many many families. I have never seen anything cause more harm, and do more damage to a family than the teachings and influence of Julie Rowe. I know of a surety that Julie Rowe is false, is a fraud, is counterfeit, and is led by the adversary. "By their fruits, ye shall know them." I encourage everyone to stand up to this apostasy and fight it like a plague. I'm not saying this because I have the antidote, I'm saying this because I've seen first-hand the damage it has caused me and my entire family. I don't know where else to turn. I welcome any type of support or encouragement. I just don't know what to do"

I’m just wondering your thoughts. I pray her and all those that are involved in all negative light on the church and if the Lord is cleaning his church. It would be wise for all of us who uplifted by these testimony to follow the Counsel of the church in this matters.