Thursday, January 24, 2019

Blood Moon Comment

An email received on January 23, 2019, by Ivan from Montreal

In Revelation 8, one third of Earth's land is said to be destroyed.

But if we look beyond that chapter, we notice that a lot is still going on in the Middle East area, including north & east Africa (Eze. 38 coalition), Europe and Asia (the Kings of the east). So, apparently, life (though very difficult) would still be sustained on those continents.

What's left then?  The Americas.  North, Central, and South.  That would make up for that missing 1/3.

Now, if we look at the map below, we see [the] eclipse covered essentially the Americas.

I think Jan.21st eclipse may have been a warning (or a popular word nowadays:  a harbinger) of very bad thing to soon occur to our continent, partially if not totally explaining the absence of the USA in the final days (I say that because I believe the Rapture will also accelerate its disappearance from end-times scenarios).

I know that red moons are generally meant at Israel, but this could be for us this time.

Just a thought.

Please allow me to share also an opinion about what the 2014-15 tetrad may have meant.

As you may know, [lunar] eclipses are signs for the nations and moon's are a bad omen for Israel.

The 4th and last blood moon took place on September 28, 2015.

So, if these blood moons meant something bad soon to appear for Israel - what took place around that September 28th date that would affect her greatly?

No need to look very far.  As a matter of fact, only 2 days later.

On September 30th, Russia officially entered in the Middle East and got involved in the Syrian war.

For decades, Russia was absent from this area. They wanted, but never dared enter so close to Israel.

Now, their involvement in the region with military alliances with both Iran & Turkey, mean[ing] that the stage is now set for Gog's war to begin soon.  This was not the case before September 2015.

So, the blood moon tetrads meant for Israel to prepare for that war.

But, this is just an opinion...

God bless,

Ivan (from Montreal)

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