Friday, May 31, 2019

A Plague Spreading Through Many Families

Email sent to LDSMarco on 5/29/19 

Hi Marcos,

I to am looking for signs of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. I have always had an interest in searching the scriptures to understand the times we are living. I am a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days. 

I have read Julie’s First book of her NDE which I found fascinating to hear of these accounts. I was interested in what she said about this because it testified of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ but as I continued to hear some of her early interviews with Erik, I really didn’t feel the spirit, and soon lost interest. She touched upon energy healing, which I find interesting but do not practice as I have read Vision of Glory and find the reference to still be of a mystery. 

So when your video came out about her. I was surprised to find how far into all this healing energy has been practiced by her. I’m wondering what her sources is to cast out demon, if it’s not from the priesthood line of Authority. Every prophet knows their line of Authority and is sustained by the members of the church.

Here is a portion of how it has affected some people. Have you seen this from her RS President?

"I was the RS president in our ward when a couple were going through some issues over Julie. Julie was telling this man that he had been Moroni in a different estate and that he was to be a very integral part of the tribulations. She and others in her circle tried diligently to make this man "remember" where to find the plates. His wife was not having any of this and Julie told him that this wife was of the dark and would be taken out by God if she didn't get on board. Julie convinced this man to buy 75,000 dollars worth of guns and ammo as he would be the captain of an army to fight incoming troops. Subsequently, he has lost his business and almost his marriage. So when people say no harm has been done, they are wrong."

There are other testimonies of this nature. In light of the recent excommunication of Energy Healer, Julie Rowe, we received a Private Message from someone sharing this personal experience.

The Administrators of this Page support Julie Rowe's Priesthood leaders who made a very difficult yet wise decision to excommunicate Julie so she could no longer use the name of the Church to harm the innocent.

There is safety in staying close to the those who hold Priesthood Keys and not listening to those who have not been called, presented before the church, or set apart.

A victim of Julie Rowe's deception writes:

"Asking what kind of harm Julie Rowe has caused is like saying what kind of harm did Jim Jones, Marshall Applewhite & Bonnie Lu Nettles, and Joseph Di Mambor cause. Their followers had their agency to choose to follow them. It [is] religious freedom.

I'm not here to tear someone down, my purpose in writing this post is to make people aware of the risk associated with following a[n] on-the-fringe self-declared prophet. My wife is a die-hard Julie Rowe follower. Here's a list of the influence Julie Rowe has had on my family:

1) She told my wife that it was okay for us to both quit our jobs and liquidate our retirement because the end was going to happen within 9 months. This was 5 years ago. I didn't agree with my wife on this request, so my wife threatened to divorce me. In an effort to save my marriage I liquidated my 401K a few years ago...right before the strongest stock market surge we've seen in decades. I've r[u]n retirement simulation calculations and figure I've lost (conservatively speaking) a half a million over the life of my retirement fund. Not to mention being forced to move and leave my fantastic job so we could be closer to the tent city. Five years later I've had a couple complicated career pivots, with [a] lower salary and less fulfillment, and have been unemployed twice--which never helps a marriage.

2) Julie Rowe has predicted a couple earthquakes. My wife was so convinced that she texted every close friend and relative that the big one was going to happen. She took all of the pictures off our walls, tied our cupboards closed, put all of the vases and fragile knick-knacks on the floor, put shoes and a flashlight next to each of my children bed and coached them what to do when the big earthquake hits. Can you imagine the anxiety and fear this caused in dozens of people's lives. Who knows the kind of irreversible damage it caused my kids.

3) Julie Rowe told my wife they were sisters in another estate, and that they were murdered together. That's why they are kindred spirits. Julie Rowe also told my wife that she was Joan of Arc, among other famous wom[e]n in her other lives in the past. This has wreaked havoc in my family because my wife believes she was family with Julie Rowe, and so she places her at an equal priority as my kids and I. From these multiple estate talks, my wife has elevated Julie Rowe to Wonder Woman status. She believes she is a warrior goddess. Let's not forget that Julie Rowe removed her infamous podcast where she stated she was married to Eric Smith in a previous estate. How screwed up is this?! Can you imagine if I told my wife that the woman I travel with all over the country was my wife in a previous life? You can hear the sexual tension they experience on every podcast. It's disgusting!

4) Julie Rowe claims to have visions, dreams, and experiences meeting immortal beings. For example, she claimed to meet Cain at the Salt Lake City airport, and that Cain tried to poison her. Despite trying to kill Julie Rowe, Cain had enough gentlemanly manners to wait outside of the women's restroom while Julie Rowe could compose herself. Shortly after this podcast aired, I was with my family at the movie theater. We were sitting near the front of the theater. An average middle-aged man sat in front of us. I went to get popcorn and my wife followed me out and said the man sitting in front of her is pure evil and he is from a different dimension, and he came to torment or even hurt her. She begged me to take my family and sit in the back of the theater. I wasn't about to move all of my kids and all of their stuff in the middle of a movie. So she went sat in the back while I stayed up front with my kids. I watched the immortal being from a different dimension in front of me. He did seem to enjoy sipping his Coke. Perhaps I would feel the same way if I traveled from a different dimension. I'll bet he was thirsty. My wife now has [the] paranoia that everyone is out to torment her. She hears things, sees things, and has dreams and visions, just like her previous estate sister, Julie Rowe. You are probably asking, why would my wife believe any of this is happening to her? It is because she has unwavering trust in Julie Rowe, and when she tells Julie Rowe about all of these experiences, Julie Rowe confirms that they are real and true. When she talks with Julie Rowe, it's like adding fuel to the fire.

5) Julie Rowe has done these energy healing seminars across the country. Well, my wife has been to two of them. My brother died unexpectedly, and the day we all found out and were in mourning, and when we all needed to support each other, my wife decided to leave our family and drive four hours to go to Julie Rowe's energy class, because she didn't want to offend Julie Rowe by missing it (even though she just went two months before). I could hardly function, and my kids were distraught, but mom decided she needed to go get her Julie Rowe fix. I heard about the Julie Rowe seminar. Everyone has to turn their phones in (because dark spirits travel through portals through electronic devices--which is much more convincing than saying we don't want anyone to record the session). At the beginning of the session, everyone in the class raise[s] their right arm to the square and they all repeat a chant. My wife has spent a lot of money on these sessions, and now she wants to become an Energy Healer. She has done energy healing on several friends and family members. She "worked" on my brother's wife once for about an hour. That session was so traumatizing for my brother's wife, she ended up leaving the church. Which has been very difficult on my brother and his little family? My wife also "worked" on my niece, and it took months for my sister and her husband to deprogram the damage caused during that session. I haven't seen anything good come from any of this. It just takes my wife away from our family, and it is quite demanding on me to work 55 hours a week, and then complete most of the housework, yard work, meals, homework, putting kids to bed, so my wife can devote all of her time "healing" the afflicted. The energy work gives her a high for a day or two, but then she crashes and crashes hard. She'll stay in bed for several hours, usually on her phone, listening to podcasts or reading blogs to get that high again. This is extremely addicting. I've never seen anything like it. It's as addicting as heroin.

6) Because Julie Rowe has validated and encouraged my wife and all of her dreams, my wife can't sleep enough, because she believes that is how God communicates to her. She is constantly trying to go to sleep. Some days she sleeps 10-12 hours. I don't think I've ever seen my wife help my kids with their homework. My kids are late to school almost every day because she doesn't want to wake up and take them. I've started taking them to school, which makes me late for work. I'd wake up earlier, but I'm up late helping with homework, doing dishes, doing laundry, cleaning the house.

7) Julie Rowe has told my wife that God called her as a "prophet" with a small "p". Not the capital "P" prophet, but the smaller "p". I don't even know what that means, but she obviously wants to elevate herself to attract as many followers as possible. My wife believes everything that comes out of her mouth to be prophetic--which is dangerous. I have a small fear that my wife will do anything Julie Rowe requests. I've heard of mentally ill mothers harming themselves or their children. If Julie Rowe asked my wife to make the ultimate sacrifice--I can't say for sure that she wouldn't do something drastic. I try not to even think about it, but it truly gives me pause.

8) Julie Rowe encouraged my wife to buy a tent. We ended up spending $2,000 on a canvas tent...this was while I was unemployed. My wife has also spen[t] thousands on food storage and every type of camping equipment. I don't mind being prepared, but now my wife wants to sell our house to use the equity to purchase more supplies and food. I told her I'm not going to sell my house. So now she is threatening me with divorce. She believes if she divorces me, we will split the equity in half, and then she will have plenty of money to pay off her debt and buy more food and supplies. Julie Rowe told her that she cannot enter the tent city if she has any debt. My wife has so much anxiety over her debt that it is crippling. She is working her guts out, and hardly ever spends any time with our kids because she is so consumed with getting out of debt. We have given a lot of money to Julie Rowe's foundation through donations and fees for energy healing, yet Julie Rowe isn't even a licensed practitioner, and she lives in a home on a property that was all donated to her. How is any of this legal? It's sounding more and more like a satanic cult leader, isn't it?

This is just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more I could say. My biggest word of advice for anyone that is curious about Julie Rowe. Julie Rowe is a dangerous cult leader that has developed a counterfeit gospel that is a plague spreading through many many families. I have never seen anything cause more harm, and do more damage to a family than the teachings and influence of Julie Rowe. I know of a surety that Julie Rowe is false, is a fraud, is counterfeit, and is led by the adversary. "By their fruits, ye shall know them." I encourage everyone to stand up to this apostasy and fight it like a plague. I'm not saying this because I have the antidote, I'm saying this because I've seen first-hand the damage it has caused me and my entire family. I don't know where else to turn. I welcome any type of support or encouragement. I just don't know what to do"

I’m just wondering your thoughts. I pray her and all those that are involved in all negative light on the church and if the Lord is cleaning his church. It would be wise for all of us who uplifted by these testimony to follow the Counsel of the church in this matters.