Yet even before the Saints were expelled from Missouri, the Lord provided through the Prophet Joseph Smith an even broader vision of Zion. In 1832 the Prophet was told, 'Zion must increase in beauty, and in holiness; her borders must be enlarged' (D&C 82:14). Then in 1844, while the Saints were living in Illinois, the Prophet Joseph Smith boldly declared:

When the Prophet announced this remarkable view, it must have been stirring to the Saints. It foreshadowed the most expansive concept of Zion: many stakes spreading over the earth as multiple gathering places for faithful Church members. In 1833, during the time that the Saints were being expelled from Jackson County, Missouri, the Lord offered a glimpse of this broad vision of Zion. He revealed to the Prophet Joseph that the day would come when there would be 'no more room' for the Saints in Missouri; 'and then I have other places which I will appoint unto them, and they shall be called stakes, for the curtains or the strength of Zion' (D&C 101:21).
More recently, President Spencer W. Kimball underscored this important doctrine:
More recently, President Spencer W. Kimball underscored this important doctrine:
'The First Presidency and the Twelve see great wisdom in the multiple Zions, many gathering places where the Saints within their own culture and nation can act as a leaven in the building of the kingdom.' [2]
We look to the day when Zion can be fully built, but the Lord reminds us: "But first let my army become very great." (D&C 105:31.)
While we are powerfully and energetically enlarging the Lord's army, we remember also President Brigham Young's prophecy:
We look to the day when Zion can be fully built, but the Lord reminds us: "But first let my army become very great." (D&C 105:31.)
While we are powerfully and energetically enlarging the Lord's army, we remember also President Brigham Young's prophecy:
"The kingdom will continue to increase, to grow, to spread and prosper more and more. Every time its enemies undertake to overthrow it, it will become more extensive and powerful; instead of its decreasing, it will continue to increase, it will spread the more, become more wonderful and conspicuous to the nations, until it fills the whole earth." [3]
1. Discourses of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p 188, HC 6:318-19
2. Arnold K. Garr, "Growing with a Living Church," Ensign, Oct. 1996, 29
3. Journal of Discourses, 1:203